
Eastern Iowa Students Graduate from Hawkeye Before High School

posted on Thursday, May 18, 2017 in  College News

High School Students Graduating from HawkeyeGillian Gergen of Janesville and Megann Bohlken of Independence will walk onstage and pick up two-year community college degrees Friday night. But both are very different from the hundreds of others who will get degrees from Hawkeye Community College.

Both Megann Bohlken and Gillian Gergen will graduate with two-year degrees from Hawkeye Community College Friday night. And that graduation is taking place before their high school graduations. Until this photo, they had never met.

Technically, both haven’t even graduated from high school yet.

If you’ve ever wondered what it might be like to take high school and college courses at the same time, Bohlken can sum it up in one word.


“A limited life outside of school,” Bohlken said.

Maybe that’s a slight exaggeration. Bohlken says she had time in her high school career to take part in a lot of extracurricular activities. She even had a part time job.

Gillian Gergen also had enough time to play sports at Janesville High School and won a four-year volleyball scholarship from Drake University in Des Moines.

Until a graduation rehearsal Friday afternoon at the McLeod Center at the University of Northern Iowa, they’d never met.

It’s not that uncommon for high school students to take college level courses for credit before going off to college. More than 2,000 did it this past school year at Hawkeye. But only Gergen and Bohlken applied themselves to earn enough credits for a two year degree before their high school graduations.



  1. College Connections
  2. Concurrent Enrollment
  3. Graduation
  4. Students
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